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Mikey is Missing in Albuquerque, NM

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I lost my adventure cat earlier in late February. He is a grey Russian blue with yellow greenish eyes, he is super skiddish when it comes to others and animals but he really is the sweetest boy. He goes by Mikey or Michael Angelo. He looks like he has bald patches by his ears but really doesn’t. in certain light he does have slight stripes on his tail like a raccoon, you have to really look for it though. At we put his treats in a mason har because he would always tear the bag open so he is familiar with the sound of treats in a glass jar. He loves car rides and used to ride around with me and my boyfriend all the time. I posted on the next door neighbor app and I have been unable to find him. I really miss my baby and will continue to look for him. He was last seen near Thaxton and Vail near the gold course. If you see any cat that looks like him please email me at Thank you.


Grey Blue russian he looks like he has blad patches on his ear but he really does in certain light he has slight stripes on his tail, yellow and greenish eyes.


Albuquerque, NM 87106


vail ave SE


February 26, 2024

Carla H.

4 weeks ago



Sallie E.

4 weeks ago

Paw boost Nextdoor Petcolovelost


Tia J.

4 weeks ago

Create a scent station (items with your/your cat’s smell - unwashed bedding, clothing, cat tower, etc. Do NOT put out litter pan as feces often used to mark territory and may inadvertently attract predators or territorial cats.). Check it often, especially when things are quiet (late evening/early morning). Leave the garage door open 5” overnight. Check nearby Ring/security cameras in the area. Check in and under everything inside and outside with a flashlight. Cats don’t usually go far and freeze in a tight ball in very small areas when scared. The flashlight catches their eyes’ stare, especially at night. Thoroughly check inside your home, especially if this is a new/shy/scared pet. Post on NextDoor app as it covers your local neighborhoods. Be sure to check your local animal shelter in person at least every other day (can’t stress enough - in person!!! You know your pet best plus animals constantly brought in). If your cat is not spayed/neutered, may be why it is “lost” and traveling further. Hope your pet is home safe and soon. (Note: if anyone asks for money or a code as “they have your pet,” this is a scam).


Bonna H.

4 weeks ago

Don’t forget to check all the shelters, they are full of cats. Good luck, he’s beautiful.


Conna M.

4 weeks ago

Oh no! Post posters everywhere in your neighborhood- especially where people come and go from the area- like stop signs*. *Your kitty probably got scared and is hiding somewhere- I can’t stress this enough! * Cats that are scared will often just hide, even if you’re calling for them. Trying going out late, at night, to look for your kitty with a flash light. The best success story I’ve heard of finding a cat was when someone followed all that advice clip about how to find your cat and went out at night with a flashlight and finally found his cat in a hedge because of the eye flash from the light- like a month later! It’s worked for a few other people who have tried it since I’ve posted this advice. Look in bushes and trees etc- where a cat would hide if he don’t want to be seen. If you go out that late take someone with you so you’re safe. Cats are also naturally active around dusk and dawn so those are good times to look too- you just can’t use the eye flash to your advantage. Now that it’s winter you might want to put a warm kitty box outside- look online for tons of info- in case your baby tries to get home at night. Don’t give up- it can take a long time to find a cat. Ask your neighbors if you can check their yards (obviously they may not be into the night time thing). Keep going out and looking late at night. And check the shelters daily online for a very long time- it can take kitties a while to get there. Shelter online systems usually have pictures so it’s a good way to check. Just make sure you check for both lost and adoptable- though their system is good mistakes can happen. Good luck. Also lately I've been helping trap some feral kitties and thinking a trap may be a way to catch a scared kitty because these cats literally only come out at night. * adding a reward to your posters can really motivate people to keep an eye out



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