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Reunited Cat in San Francisco, CA 94102

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REUNITED - reunited after 48 days, 2 hours






All black with reddish chestnut tent that can be seen in light. She was stolen from me while in her carrying bag and ditched soon as someone realized they stole my daughter not drugs or electronics etc. I heard a fellow had her and was seeking me but idk i can only pray.. She is truely what i live for and she considers me and shes new to the city and apart from me and terrified please get my child back to me!!! Im equally as lost due to dedicating 24 hrs a day everyday to spending time with her i dont want or need anything else.. PLEASE!!


San Francisco, CA 94102


March 10, 2024

HappyCatLady .

2 months ago

I'm so sorry this happened. Typically when someone steals a bag and it has cat in it (yes this horrible thing happens) they will release the cat right away so kitty is most likely near by scared and must plaster your neighborhood with FLYERS posted on every lamppost and talk to neighbors with ring cameras. Who told you someone has her and is looking for you? Did they SEE her in his arms? what exactly did this person say? If it's a text they could be trying to SCAM you. they will send blurry videos of similar looking cat and will string you along . if someone has your cat they will send you good photos. (if your cat is one of those freindly cats that is friendly to total strangers while not at home - rare) though chances are she's hiding where she was released. if she's microchipped and you know the chip # call the chip company to make sure she is registered with your phone and email. PRINT FLYERS asap and continue to cover your block and well beyond as I'm sure you're already doing. the flyers don't have to be in color since she's all black with puffy tail ...hang in there ..i'm so horribly sorry this happened - Also post on nextdoor - don't listen to anything negative - listen to the support and suggestions only. sending you love - damia


HappyCatLady .

2 months ago

💥💥WARNING💥💥 SCAMMERS 💥💥will claim they found your cat!. SCAMMERS will text you saying they’re affiliated with Pawboost or an ANIMAL SHELTER and that they HAVE YOUR CAT and that YOU need to PROVE who you are by giving other phone numbers, your email, verifying google codes etc or to send money to get your cat from the shelter. These are all SCAMMERS! THEY WON'T Send you a PHOTO of your cat (they'll make up any excuse) OR THEY'LL SEND a PHOTO of a similar cat - or a blurry video - but it’s not your cat! Look closely. Please know that If your actual neighbor sees or has your cat they will give you information freely (and will post a PHOTO on your listing and not make you ‘send a code or personal information or money. 💥There’s a NEW SCAM on Facebook the scammer will say something like ‘my husband found your cat please message me your phone number “ meaning they want you to message them from your Facebook messenger your phone number! 💥The Facebook SCAMMER will tell you to look up a lost cat search team they used on Instagram or another platform saying their cat was found within hours -it’s a total SCAM. LOOK AT THEIR FACEBOOK PROFILE - you may see alot of (PAID) followers but they are not following anyone, The profile will have a few photos only, usually just selfies and the profile was created not long ago. You will see no posts / conversations with friends , I report the account to Facebook Scammers are heartless. Some SCAM texts examples I’ve received ->


Lori W.

2 months ago

Prayers for A Safe Return ⚘️


Mary A.

2 months ago

Go to the shelter near where she disappeared and see if she was turned in asap and make a lost report with them asap. Put fliers at all nearby offices and post on Nextdoor too! Put fliers at last known location with your phone number so finder can contact you . Check Craigslist too



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