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Ellie may is Missing in Wilmington, NC

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Ellie may










Wilmington, NC 28412


Johnson farms the lakes


May 14, 2024

Robert B.

4 weeks ago

Thank you all so much for your advice I have posted on every site I could find.praying for her safe return


Gail H.

4 weeks ago

Ask the sheriff dept, animal control and or humane society wildlife officers, if they know of other pet tracker in your area..while you're talking to them make sure you file a lost report and go check the shelter.. ask them if they know of someone with a drone to fly over area that was lost.... also consider putting out a couple trail cams in area lost. Tracker: if you haven't consider hiring a tracker or at least call one and get some tips.. There are several NC pet trackers. The ones I see most often are: Balynda Brown 919-418-7953 call or text; Epic Animal Recovery 704-770-8625 Jill’s idols # 703-615-1662. They have a FB page under Mission: Lost Pets Recovery Services. Stanfield area- Tri-county trackers New listing just recommended K9’s On Call missing cat services 1-910-758-1775 Can text and will respond within an hour the Facebook site says - link on their page to send message also. Please contact they help alot of people Lost Dog Recovery Wilmington, NC 910 409-0723 she has a Facebook page Donna with "You will be found" check out her Facebook page with that title.


Gail H.

4 weeks ago

This is another good site to post to your neighbors………(camera app available to everyone)App allows incident location to be entered and posts to that area🙏🏻 Download Neighbors App …. Here’s the link:


Gail H.

4 weeks ago

Look under and around everything that she can be hiding under.. check neighbors lawns and out buildings, with their permission.. Hang up outside, several items of owners (unwashed, dirty clothing for the scent to lead him back home..and on trees .Hang them up (high) so the wind can pass through fabric and carry the scent...Dogs rely on picking up their owners scent to woods and finding their way back home...If he's lost in any nearby woods, cut up several pieces of owners (dirty) clothing, can use dirty bedsheets, tee shirts, dirty towels even dirty socks will do...Take the fabric pieces in the woods and lay them down low on tree trunks close to the ground and leave them there, creating a (scent trail) to lead him out of the woods.” Set up a humane trap with food and water and owners scent and put trail cams in area. If you have a gate and no other animals that can get out, leave your gate open.. with something with your fresh scent on it like a towel you just used.. go up and down your road with a something with tour scent and drag it in the grass back to your house.. Cook something smelly.. hot dogs, bacon on the grill.. put liquid smoke on some meat and cook it outside. If you can put out at least one trail cam ..


Gail H.

4 weeks ago

Also post on nextdoor 24petconnect and any community pages.. put up fliers in your yard and I every corner possible within a mile.. . THIS USUALLY WORKS.... how to rescue a lost dog or your dog when you find him/her. Some other things you can try when you find your or someone's furbaby that has be lost. After a little while your own furbaby may not know you or come to you when lost. Never chase. Always get as low as you can and don't call them by name..!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Remember they are in survival/flight mode. Have a crinkly bag like a potato chip bag with treats inside it (keep it in your car, it just needs to make noise when you crinkle it) .. When you see a stray dog, get out of your car and watch the dog out of the corner of your eye. Start crinkling the bag and start saying very loudly “YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY!” as you act like you are dropping the food onto the ground. (Smelly hamburger works great too) Kneel down and start acting like you’re picking up pieces that you dropped on the ground In many cases, the dog will have stopped and will be watching you because you are no longer using that “Come here!” voice. You are using the universal language (yummy, yummy) of food, and you are kneeling down and not a threat. Also, you are not going to the dog, but many times, the dog will come to you! Slow and easy no quick moves I hope this helps!! 💘



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