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Clarisse is Missing in Hayward, CA

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He is limping and has a scratch on his nose. My brother who lives in a different city brought this friendly community cat to my in Hayward to get vet attention but someone opened the trap while attempting to give food and he ran out. He is injured, lost and confused.


Hayward, CA 94544


Flossmoor way, Hayward in Fairway Park neighborhood


March 14, 2024

HappyCatLady .

2 months ago

Edrina Rashidi you don’t know that it’s him! 🙏🏼🙏🏼💜💜There are black cats on every block so glad you have cameras …I highly doubt it’s him! Was he limping did they send you a video? He’s near you


HappyCatLady .

2 months ago

OUTDOOR cats when displaced in a new foreign location - act like indoor-only cats that gets outside - they find the first place to HUNKER down and HIDE in silence - and will remain very near to where they were displaced. I've reunited countless cats that were lost in route somewhere or at a cat sitter house or from escapping a carrier that broke etc. The last one was BUSTER who broke out of a cat carrier in front of the vet then ran across the freeway AND back then darted off towards a neighborhood a few blocks away when the guardian lost sight of him. I told her to return at night at the exact location he initially broke out of his carrier (and to flyer that business and residences 1-2 blocks in all directions. She didn't listen about going back to the origianl location cat night and called me back 3 weeks later crying saying no one called about spotting her cat. I. told her to GO THAT night to the vet clinic and calmly call for Buster and bring food to leave there and to get a camera so we could add that - aim at the food /trap. That night she called for him at 10pm and he meowed back!!!! it was 3 weeks and he was still there - hiding BEhind the vet clinic behind a fence...she was able to lure him out with food after 2 nights so we didn't need the trap or camera in this case...the point of the story (and so many more) is that scared cats that get lost/displaced in a foreign place - THEY REMAIN and HIDE so get that camera and aim it to the wet food bowl you leave out for him starting at sunset tonight and beg you brtoher to come try to call for him tonight and tomorrow and sunday night...wet food inside the box trap that you clean firs to remove his smell and then disguise with either a vinyl mat clamped on so it doesn't make noise if it's windy or add branches and leaves from a tree to disguise it so Clarise thinks it's just a tunnel to get food then (or borrow a DROP TRAP if possible) and once you see him on camera then plan to trap him. don't leave the trap set until you spot him eating then the next night do a STAKE OUT - if you get too tired and he hasn't returned THEN UN-set the trap and clamp the door open to further trap train him to inside without any negative consequences - this way he eats - you don't waste a night because the NEXT night whe you try trapping again he'll most likely come earlier (knowing this is a consistent food source) and will go right inside the trap without hesitation compared to the 1st time he sees it again. YOU CAN GET HIM - be patient -stay determined and please please follow this guidance. During the day , talk to neighbors, post up flyers and go door to door taping flyers to every front door using painter's tape (won't harm the door) you want the flyers to be noticed - reward for a photo of him and NOT to approach but to take a photo and call you - because he is scared, injured and will RUN ❤️ 🙏


Edrina R.

2 months ago

HappyCatLady Really appreciate your response. He was seen 1.5 miles north of where he got out of the trap. I have cameras set up that I'm monitoring throughout the day. I'm hopeful, but I think he's trying to find his way home. Unfortunately he's going the wrong way. :(


HappyCatLady .

2 months ago

Dear author of this post - Having said all that about re-trapping him, I just read what you said about your brother...Is Clarisse friendly to your brother to the point where your brother can pet him? Pick him up? If you brother knows this boy, the BEST thing to do is have your brother visit before sunset tonight (and ongoing as much as he can) and call for him once the sun sets using his calm calm NORMAL voice and see if Clarisse comes out of hiding? Clarisse would normally come to your brother for food AND pets this would be the 1st thing to try - AND you would STILL also place wet food inside the trap to trap train Clarisse into eating (from under a DROP TRAP or) from INSIDE the original box trap you used to trap him (once you've washed it with soapy water to totally remove ANY scent on the trap - that is key! cats are very scent orientated and you don't want Clarisse to associate the trap with being trapped! Does this make sense? Scared cats will often take several nights to calm down and will sometime come out of hiding to their guardians or feeders ...and some just continue to hide...your brother CALLING for Clarise at sunset for a good hour just him ALONE sitting outside calling for him with no stress in his voice - if Clarisse knows the sound of a treat bag or container then he should bring that and keep trying that too - or just his calm voice - Buy the camera on amazon now or let me know where I can send one to - happy to help in this way because a camera is going to be crucial in spotting Clarisse eating and for trap night/s. ❤️ 🙏 damia 650-339-6619


HappyCatLady .

2 months ago




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