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Oreo is Missing in San Francisco, CA

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Oreo is a beloved member of our neighborhood, and she has been greatly missed since her disappearance in the middle of November. Please help Oreo come home to her littermate, Sylvester, and her adoring fan club of neighbors on the 300 block of Jules Avenue. She’s been missing since the first big rain, but I’m hopeful that someone nearby has been providing her food and shelter. Please get in touch and let us know that she’s OK. Thanks everybody!


Oreo is a black & white, short haired, super friendly, domestic female cat. Oreo has a chronic runny left eye, & she is overdue for monthly medication. She was last seen wearing a Beastie Band collar w/monarch butterflies on the 300 block of Jules Ave in Ingleside. Please contact me with info. Thanks very much!


San Francisco, CA 94112


Jules & Ocean Aves


November 15, 2023

HappyCatLady .

4 months ago

💥💥WARNING💥💥 SCAMMERS 💥💥will claim they found your cat!. SCAMMERS will text you saying they’re affiliated with Pawboost or an animal shelter and that they HAVE YOUR CAT and that YOU need to PROVE who you are by giving other phone numbers, your email, verifying google codes etc or to send money to get your cat from the shelter. These are all SCAMMERS! THEY WON'T Send you a PHOTO of your cat (they'll make up any excuse) OR THEY'LL SEND a PHOTO of a similar cat - or a blurry video - but it’s not your cat! Look closely. Please know that If your actual neighbor sees or has your cat they will give you information freely (and will post a PHOTO on your listing and not make you ‘send a code or personal information or money. 💥There’s a NEW SCAM on Facebook the scammer will say something like ‘my husband found your cat please message me your phone number “ meaning they want you to message them from your Facebook messenger your phone number! 💥The Facebook SCAMMER will tell you to look up a lost cat search team they used on Instagram or another platform saying their cat was found within hours -it’s a total SCAM. LOOK AT THEIR FACEBOOK PROFILE - you may see alot of (PAID) followers but they are not following anyone, The profile will have a few photos only, usually just selfies and the profile was created not long ago. You will see no posts / conversations with friends , I report the account to Facebook Scammers are heartless. Some SCAM texts examples I’ve received ->


Erica B.

4 months ago

I’m so sorry your pretty kitty is missing. Have you already put out something with your scent and maybe kitty’s like a dirty shirt or blanket that you use? Cats have stronger noses than dogs so it may help her find her way home. Keep calling her at all hours especially the odd hours when it’s quiet. She might not be far just too scared to move. I had two cats (different cats different decades) get out & both times they were close to home but scared stiff. So keep looking & maybe knock in a couple doors in case she’s trapped. Also if it is a building on the street check the surrounding buildings including their attics. Talk to the maintenance men. Recently someone found their cat after several weeks bcs kitty was in an attic of another building & the maintenance man found the cat. Post on Nextdoor there are some really nice neighbors willing to help find lost pets and maybe someone took her in & will see the post. I hope she waltz’s in like nothings wrong.


Mary A.

4 months ago

If he is an indoor outdoor kitty he is more than likely trapped somewhere nearby! Put flyers on neighbors porches asking them to check their property throughly. Look in garages, sheds, bats, crawl spaces, storm drains. Look on roofs and up in trees too. Walk around the area and shake his treats and listen for him. Post on Nextdoor and file a lost report with the shelter asap . If he is scared, ill or injured, he will hide like an indoor only cat. So quietly look with a flashlight even during the day under bushes, cars, porches and decks. Cats with blue eyes reflect red. Make a lost report with the shelter and put flyers at nearby vet offices too. Make sure no one in your neighborhood is trapping cats. Hope you find him soon.



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