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Reunited Cat in Westminster, CO 80031

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REUNITED - reunited after 19 days, 1 hours






Short hair tuxedo cat with a black circle on his white stomach. His paw pads are all multicolored pink/black and he is the sweetest, kindest cat. Please help! He responds to his name "Momo"


Westminster, CO 80031


April 18, 2024

Barbara D.

4 weeks ago

POST (2) Bring Ur CAT Home TONIGHT Via GPS Before Dark POST FREE CAMERA APP (2) 1. Ring App called Neighbors 2. RIGHT NOW --- Takes 5 min Pets Reunited 1, 2, 4, 7, 24 Hours DO FREE CAMERAS 2 Takes 5 Min READ EXAMPLE 1. GO Play Store on ur Cell 2. Ring App called Neighbors 3. TYPE Ring and Neighbors will Drop Down 1. Next Camera - do The Camera Appl will Message You with PHOTOS and GPS location EXAMPLE - A Chihuahua was seen Running in somebody's backyard caught by backyard Camera and again on there Front Porch Doorbell Camera. The Camera Appl Messaged the Family with PHOTOS and they Rushed to the location of Bradley and Marksheffel Rd. Took 1 hour but was Found in Vicinity and REUNITED DO URGENTLY IMMEDIATELY GO Play Store on ur Cell GO Ring App called Neighbors DO same for


Barbara D.

4 weeks ago

Be aggressive. Cats hide because there scared but don't go far at all. 95% are in bushes, yours or neighbors. Check whole block. Knock on doors 100% of those homes. If someone isn't home go back early evening or early morning. Ask go in backyard. Check under deck, in shed, window wells, any place to hide. WALK the path went missing, walk 4 X day plus at night when it's quiet so u can hear meows. Listen whisper faint of meow. Hand flyers on every house, have ur name, address, ur name, phone # doors. They are super cheap, go to Kinkos Store, FedEx store, Office Depot, Office Max, Staples. Do so immediately. File a Lost Report with Humane Society. Prayers 🙏


Barbara D.

4 weeks ago

(5) Things To DO FIND Missing Pet 1. POST FREE - Ring App Called Neighbors. The App will Message You with PHOTOS and GPS location. These messages are time sensitive. You must HURRY/ RUSH before you baby changes locations, leaves the area. 2. POST FREE - Nextdoor APPL - DITTO 100% EXACTLY 3. GO IN-PERSON to the Humane Society. SEARCH!! 1. Foothills Animal Shelter Make this URGENT PRIORITY. They KEEP Pets 5 Days Then Put Up For Adoption. GO ONLINE - FILE a LOST Report and READ the Found Reports. The Found Reports are PEOPLE who FOSTER till they FIND an Owner. ✅ 6 X Daily. 4. REPOST TO Lost and Found Pets, Westminster, CO Westminster, CO - Lost and Found Pets - Dogs / Cats Tri-County Colorado Lost and Found Pets Lost and Found Cats of Colorado URGENTLY POST TO: Pawboost Petharbor Lostmykitty PetFBI 5. DO Boots on Ground, WALK 3-4 block radius; day and night. 90% CATS HIDE IN BUSHES because they are SCARED. Check ✅ your BUSHES, the neighbors and the whole block. SEARCH front yard, back yard, alley's, under deck, inside shed, under staircases, in window wells, garages. Knock on doors 200%, Somebody has SEEN your CAT Make face-to-face contact. Somebody might have brought ur CAT inside from the SNOW & RAIN & HAIL & Thunder & Fireworks Post Flyers every house. GO FedEx Store or Kinkos Store or Office Depot, Office Max, or Staples DON'T SKIP ANYTHING


Rhonda B.

4 weeks ago

I'm so sorry about your missing kitty, but cats are great survivors, and most lost pets do survive, so try to stay positive. I'm involved with lost pet rescue, and I'd like to share some information with you. Firstly, please don't respond to anyone posting about pet trackers that you contact on instagram. They are scammers! Just so you know, I respond to hundreds of lost & found pet postings every month, so I can't customize these for everyone. If you've done some or all of these things already, great! Put some water and food outside, especially some stronger smelling canned food or tuna, on a patio, preferably inside of a fenced area and in view of a security camera, if possible, so your kitty can smell it. Sometimes, lost kitties will come back at night and eat. You can also put them inside a garage, leaving a door cracked, but be careful. Some other critters and undesirable people could get in. You can also set up a remote camera, and if you see your kitty, then you can go out and wait for your kitty to show up again another night. Inside kitties who get lost usually don't go far, but can go into hiding, especially if they are already skittish or traumatized, or accidentally get locked into neighbor's sheds and garages. Walk the area, especially early morning or at night when it's quiet out and call for your kitty, maybe shaking a box of your kitty's favorite treats, then just stop and listen for an answer. Even if very verbal, sometimes lost and injured kitties are too scared to answer, which is a survival Instinct, but if it's quiet out, they may. Because cats are allowed to roam in Colorado, most people don't pay attention to kitties on the loose, so be sure to hand out flyers to all of your neighbors within at least 2-3 blocks, and put up large neon posters at every major intersection in your neighborhood. Also, post on and check with animal control, vets, and shelters in your area. It may become necessary to set a live trap with the assistance of a lost pet rescue, but you need confirmed sightings. Let me know if you need help with this. If your kitty is allowed to roam, I would be remiss if I didn't ask you to please consider keeping your cat indoors when he/she returns home. For the last 45 years, all our kitties have been indoor only and have lived very happy, healthy, and long lives. There are just so many things that can happen to a roaming cat, including being hit by a car, wild predators, poisons, being trapped someplace, and being victims of very evil people. The average lifespan of a cat that is allowed to roam is only 2 years. Please don't give up! About 75% of lost pets are found, and the reason most of the others are not is because the families just stop looking. Hope this info helps you get your fur baby home safe and sound. ❤


An T.

4 weeks ago

Nancy Gilley Thank you so much! We miss him so much



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