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Found/Stray Dog in Hialeah, FL 33018

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Please please share. He is a very friendly dog looking for love and or his owners. He I'd fearful of being touched but just wants to play. Please can someone help find his owners. Or anyone is willing to rescue him until owners are found. He is such a sweetheart!


Brown and black large dog. Friendly had been staying around same area. Please if this is your dog. Come get him .he is playful but fearful of being touched.


Hialeah, FL 33018


Near W 84 street hialeah fl


February 19, 2020

Monica P.

4 years ago

Everyone he has been on the street for some time now. This has been going on since last year. People feed him and give him water as no rescue has showed any interest to help.


Monica P.

4 years ago

Luz Luaces - Camueiras Hi where do you work? A few of us have been monitoring him for a while now. We named him Machi. Tell employees he’s a sweet boy and nothing to be scared of. He’s lived on the street now for a while and he’s actually scared of people. We have tried to reach out to rescues and have not had any luck. He is a runner and will run away when he’s scared. Aileen Jose Freire has been the one who has had the most interaction with him. I tried once around 1 am to get him on a leash and he ran off scared. Unfortunately I’m sure he was dumped by someone because no one had come forward for this little angel.


Aileen J.

4 years ago

Luz Luaces - Camueiras no he is super friendly McDonalds, Wendys, and the Chinese people feed him every night He just ate 20 nuggets last night. Please don't chase him he will run and get hit by a car. He comes to my hands amd eats from it put it this way even eats with cats next to him. He isn't at all a biter Let your employees know. He is fearful of.leashes so smart once he sees a leash he leaves running. We have been trying to catch him for weeks. Miami Dade Animals Servies WIll kill him And they won't catch him he is very smart I am looking for someone to give him a good home. MonicaPrieto Cynthia Clements these woman have tried we are just trying to earn his trusts. He is no ones pet he lives in the streets for about a year now. He's learned to survive we all feed him even the gas station attendants he waits for them Where does he stay at you said where you work? We are trying to find where he hides during the day. Please let me know and thank you.


Aileen J.

4 years ago

Luz Luaces - Camueiras no he is super friendly McDonalds, Wendys, and the Chinese people feed him every night He just ate 20 nuggets last night. Please don't chase him he will run and get hit by a car. He comes to my hands amd eats from it put it this way even eats with cats next to him. He isn't at all a biter Let your employees know. He is fearful of.leashes so smart once he sees a leash he leaves running. We have been trying to catch him for weeks. Miami Dade Animals Servies WIll kill him And they won't catch him he is very smart I am looking for someone to give him a good home. MonicaPrieto Cynthia Clements these woman have tried we are just trying to earn his trusts. He is no ones pet he lives in the streets for about a year now. He's learned to survive we all feed him even the gas station attendants he waits for them Where does he stay at you said where you work? We are trying to find where he hides during the day. Please let me know and thank you.


Mike M.

4 years ago

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