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Jinx is Missing in Pleasant Hill, CA

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Our hearts are aching, we miss our cat so much. Any information would be helpful. Thank you


Black, yellow-green eyes


Pleasant Hill, CA 94523


Freya Way and Odin Dr


April 21, 2024

Sheila G.

2 weeks ago

HappyCatLady I mean I dont take the compter with me when I'm out.


HappyCatLady .

2 weeks ago

Dear guardian, I found my sweet black cat Dophie 2 backyards away by searching with a head mounted flaghlight in my neighbor's yard ALONE after several weeks.....I asked my neighbors several houses deep for access just before sunset...i searched under bushes and shrubs and gently called for Sophie in the same way I call her inside for dinner...I must have called for her 400 times and finally - finally I heard a faint tiny meow ...i tried to remain calm pulling back tears i remembered to act as though everything is OK so as not to scare her with my worried voice or energy...another hour and I found her under a prickly bush where she surrendered herself to me - I couldn't believe it! Most of the LOST scared cats I have had to humanely trap by luring with food near the escape point but Dophie she hadn't left the neighbor's backyard to return home (had camera aimed at wet food bowl) EVEN though she is very used to our backyard (though she managed to get over 2 yards away somehow despite being a terrible jumper) Never underestimate a cat's ability to jump and hide better than anything you could imagine. I had checked the backyards several times before but this time she meowed - maybe because it had been a few weeks and she was hungry and confused and in survival mode. Whether or not she meowed I was still searching for her at night and early mornings..Kept flyering ..kept talking to neighbors to check Ring cameras to get a sighting so I could trap her from THAT location. Without the flashlight and getting under bushes and even on the ground...i don't know if I would have found her ! Even 1 foot away and I couldnt spot her. Now with an airtag i can find her inside the house easily and outside too - except that now I am just to worried to allow her outside again. So instead I spend time daily playing with her..and after a few weeks she seemsto have forgotten how much she loves being outside - I place the cat tree next to teh window that gets sun and she Is now thriving! You will find Jinx! Continue flyering and talking to neighbors and camera aimed at food at home exit point. Sending you love and unwavering determination damia ❤️


HappyCatLady .

2 weeks ago

🐱💖💖🙏 Dear Guardian. DON’T LOSE HOPE. Scared cats are the stealthiest of hiders and those that get STUCK will often not meow so their human must take action in various ways in order to cover ALL possibilities, daily/nightly until kitty is found. Lost cat 'Sophie' was reunited after being lost for 6 weeks! Cats remain close - they do not leave. They HIDE in survival mode doing their best. Sophie's guardian trapped her using a humane trap the night after she was spotted eating wet food on the camera her guardian's had aimed (mini blink camera $30 on amazon) Those who search and FLYER and talk to neighbors and call/search for kitty at night, use a motion activated camera aimed at wet food at sunset etc - greatly increase their chances of finding their kitty - though yes, sometimes it can take much longer than we want. 🐱💖Lost Cat ‘Clementine’ was finally spotted after 29 days 1.5 yards away! A neighbor we flyered and spoke to 2 weeks earlier spotted kitty in her backyard. We ended up having to use a humane trap to trap her because she remained in survival mode and was too fearful to come forward to her human (2 days later Clementine was back to ‘normal’ purry self). Lost cat ‘Lina’ of 2 weeks was spotted returning home (video footage in backyard) but was too scared to come inside - the owner had to coax her for hours and hours for 2 nights. Without having a camera aimed at food she would NEVER have guessed her kitty was still in her backyard - HIDING! 🐱💖Lost Calico cat ‘Kittie’ was spotted after 4 weeks in a neighbor’s yard who we flyered so they called us. She had escaped out the front door leading to a busy street and must have found a way into the backyards 1 block away through metal gates she slipped through from teh street. This is why FLYERING at least 1-2 blocks beyond your block is a must. Once ‘kittie’ was sighted on the neighbor’s RING camera, we kept leaving food just before sunset every day around 6pm and got her coming to the food. We then set a humane trap and watched the trap using a baby monitor to make sure we didn’t trap a neighbor cats. The point of this is to continue taking action every day/night. Cats remain near - they do NOT go far from home.... 🐱💖Continue to call for kitty at night in your calm voice..set your alarm for 11pm, 2am, 5am ...walk around the block very slowly and calmly call for kitty ...Lost cat “SQUIRREL” was found after 13 nights of his guardian searching at night with a flashlight (kitty ‘squirrel’ got out from the street front and mostly cement on those blocks) During they day they went door to door finding out who had RING cameras and 7 days in, a neighbor spotted ‘squirrel’ cat walking by on camera at 2am...this gave them the extra boost of hope and they continued to search 11pm-2am. Try everything. Some cats will hide for a good 10 days until extreme HUNGER forces them out…sometimes only at night. And often cats get stuck in a garage while that neighbor is Out of town for over a week! Go back and talk to any neighbor who wasn’t home before. Take notes on the printed google map so you know who you spoked to and who wasn’t home (tape a flyer onto their front door using painter’s tape) 🐯 If your neighborhood isn't already plastered with flyers , PRINT MORE and add or replace flyers - IMPORTANT: knock on neighbors doors AGAIN and REMIND them that your sweet kitty is still missing and ask them to check around especially at night especially..ask neighbors with RING cameras to check the footage in case kitty is spotted...whatever you do, do NOT lose hope...keep searching and spreading the word with your neighbors door to door - they need to be reminded kitty is still out there and you need their vigilant eyes. You are still very early in this search. HUNGER ALWAYS WINS - LURE WITH WET FOOD 🐯 FEEDING STATION WITH CAMERA **IMPORTANT** PLACE A CAMERA (motion activated with night vision) aimed at WET food in bowl before sunset nightly. ( you can buy amazon)Cats that are scared remain near HIDING until their hunger THRESHHOLD will force them to come out of hiding to look for food though they will still continue to hide from humans. YEs - scared cats will even act scared of their human's voice and won't come inside and need to be coaxed. Lost cat 'Luna' was spotted on camera after being 'lost' for several weeks, her human was shocked to learn Luna was visiting the backyard regularly late night and would NOT come back inside ( the backdoor was left open for her) We thought she was stuck at a neighbors which happens all the time and it was the help of the camera which helped her human learn about the different cats that would visit and other animals...Luna’s guardian ended up Trapping Luna by doing a stakeout and watching out the window to the trap since it was just outside (all lights were turned off) 💥💥BUY CAMERA: Mini Blink WIFI camera $35 : OR WYZE WIFI Waterproof Camera $29: (get a Micro SD Memory Card: OR Waterproof cordless camera : IF NO WIFI: Wildlife/Trail camera (battery operated) check footage manually daily , requires 8 AA lithium batteries (buy extra) + Micro SD Memory Cards: 🐯 GAIN ACCESS TO NEIGHBORS YARDS: Knock on your neighbors doors in ALL directions to ask for permission to check yards, under DECKS and porches and crawl spaces. Do this alone. Scared cats will NOT come forward right away and they are excellent hiders! You have to keep trying and explain to neighbors that cats protect themselves by hiding - even from the guardian they love - until THEY feel safe to come forward. Studies have proven 🐯Indoor cats remain near HIDING IN SILENCE and are mostly found within a few houses away from the escape point and outdoor/indoor cats mostly within a 1 block radius...sometimes when cats aren't coming back they may have hurt a paw and can’t jump back over a fence or they may be ill and need medical attention so taking action to actively search in neighbors property is crucial 🐯 Check your local animal shelter in person every 4 days🙏🙏they don’t always show all their 'processed' cats online… For SAN FRANCISCO ACC call them first as they have a policy of NOT accepting all found cats… FOUND cats: SFACC Unfortunately many cat guardians give up way too soon and some lost cats end up at the shelter months down the road by getting trapped by a caring neighbor - and those cats are NOT reclaimed so please keep checking your shelters just in case! 🐯 Make sure kitty’s MICROCHIP information is up-to-date. Call to report kitty Lost. If you don’t have the microchip number, check with your vet and/or place of adoption. In addition to updating wherever your cat’s chip was originally registered (or even if you don’t remember where you originally registered the chip), register your cat at the free Found Animals chip registry, and the free pet chip registry, with your current contact information in order to increase the chances that if your cat is picked up, they can contact you. (I say increase the chances because sadly there are multiple databases for different chips and they are not all interconnected.) 🐯With LOVE - damia (www.happycatlady com)🐱💖🙏


HappyCatLady .

2 weeks ago

Sheila Ganey copied from above: For more info or to contact Jinx's owner, click here:


HappyCatLady .

3 weeks ago

Keep flyering and talking to neighbors and leaving WET food just outside where kitty got out - you must get a camera aimed or you won't know who eats the food - a camera reveals everything 💖💖 Lost cat REESY PUFF (lost for over 4 weeks) was finally spotted on camera - we aimed a mini blink camera where we placed wet food bowl at sunset and it took THAT long for him to come !!. In the meantime I was flyering door to door talking to neighbors and posting up flyers and gaining access to backyards to check crawl spaces using a flashlight...once caught on camera we placed the food partially inside an UN-set humane trap to get her used to going inside without negative consequences - the camera revealed she was hesitant but went in to eat (she was hungry!!) so the next night we set the trap at sunset with yummy bait and waited and watched the ipad that was linked to the mini blink camera aimed at the trap door...she came within 4 hours and by 10pm she was home with her HAPPY guardian 💖💖💖💖💖 Lost cat Pumpkin (lost 26 days!!) was spotted on a neighbor's RING camera who had seen the flyer I posted on her door - she allowed me to set a trap and I monitored out of sight using a BABY MONITOR with a LONG extention cord leading to my car (you must watch a set trap every single second so you dn't trap a neighbors cat or wild animal!) Don't give up - keep FLYERING up flyers and also go door to door taping them onto front doors so no one misses the photo and info. Keep putting wet food in at sunset with a camera aimed that will send your phone movement notifications and record movement. Sending you love and unwavering determination 💖💖💖💖💖



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