Lost Pets Database for Fort Lauderdale, FL
Search lost and found pets in the Plantation area with PawBoost.
1057 missing pets in your search

Reported 1 year ago, updated 4 hours ago
Poppy Male Bird
LOST PET ID: 69959850
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
August 2024, Poppy is still missing much to our broken hearts. We’ve followed many leads thanks to the many kind people who found cockatiels or spotted them and contacted us. Sadly, they were not him. If anyone knows anything, we just want him back and we will not give up trying. If someone found him and has fallen in love, just know it’s been months of heartbreak not knowing what happened to him and please do the right thing. No questions asked: we only hope to find him and bring him . Poppy is still missing and we continue to search for him every day and keeping the hope. We are grateful for any and all help with potential sightings of him. We have his cage outdoors and put food during the daylight hours hoping he will return. Thanks to all who have offered much helpful advice. Please help us find Poppy. He is a gray and yellow Cockatiel with bright orange cheeks. Poppy is very vocal and whistles and talks. His favorite words are pretty bird. He flew out a door that was ajar and we miss him dearly. If you see Poppy or know of his whereabouts, please message at. We just want him .

Reported 2 years ago, updated 5 hours ago
Venus Female Dog
LOST PET ID: 69015628
Boca Raton, FL 33486
Color Brown, 35 lbs, left ear up/right ear down. She is very nervous, runs fast, and we missing her with all ours hearts. Update: Venus was Seen the first week of January 2024, in Country Club Acres (Delray Beach) in the canal area and around the duck pond. Since then, we lost sight of her permanently. Unfortunately, for months we were close to catching her but she is extremely smart, strong and fast in her reactions and reflexes making , very hard for us to get her. At this point, when no one has seen my little baby anymore and Venus doesn't come back again to the place where we have everything prepared for her (food, water, cameras and trap) and where she was hanging out for months, the only thing I can and I want to believe is that someone has my baby 😢💔 For that person or family who could have my precious girl, please please 🙏🏻 I would like you to know that first of all I want to thank you for taking care of my beautiful baby, for your big heart that allows you to fall in love with my scared little girl. Second of all, please, and from the bottom of my heart, I beg you to consider giving me my baby back 🙏🏻 we have been doing everything that we can and everything that is in our hands to get Venus with us. I miss my little Venus, I miss her kisses, our play times, our walks and especially the time we spent together trying to bringing my beautiful baby alive after years at the shelter without full time love, care and love love love. Please 🙏🏻🙏🏻 please, we miss our girl, she came to our hse to try to help us with the emptiness that our first fur baby boy Dino left when he past. Now we are dealing with the pain of the loss again because of our Little Beautiful and lovely girl Venus. And if by any chance someone out there sees my girl, PLEASE "Please, APPROACH GENTLY & SLOWLY & DO NOT CHASE She is a very nervous dog and runs fast as soon she knows that someone is on her way or listens that someone calls her name. If you see our little girl, please 🙏🏻 help Venus and help us to get reunited, trying to keep Venus in the area with water/food, and contact me as soon as you can. Please DO NOT CHASE. Just gently let her know about the food. She is in “survival mode,” which makes it hard to approach. Last update on my baby; please it has been 10 months since my little girl was out there, and our hearts have been broken. Please, we are begging 🙏🏻 to the community of Country Club Acres of Delray Beach or anyone who can have or sees our baby that helps our Venus to fund her safe return to us, “her family” Thank you🙏🏻

Reported 1 month ago, updated 8 hours ago
Dooozy Male Dog
LOST PET ID: 71128590
Tamarac, FL 33321
Black, curly hair. Mini golden doodle. Very friendly and loves belly rubs. He’s been gone for a while. I’m sure he’ll be happy to be . Or hear his name. Please if you see him and he responds to his name. Contact me.

Reported 3 months ago, updated 10 hours ago
Pumba Male Dog
LOST PET ID: 70965982
Miami, FL 33165
White Maltese recently injured with owner in very violent invasion requiring hospitalization of both. The owner is developmentally disabled and suffering from terminal breast and ovarian cancer. It is believed the owner was preyed on and exploited, probably by an employee of the animal hosp, as Pumba left their custody, care, supervision and security under dubious and questionable circumstances. Given the inconsistencies in the stories, none of the participants were reliable reporters and requests that the owner only see Pumba before she die were denied, questions that Pumba's is even still alive are likely.
Lost Pet Data for Fort Lauderdale, FL
There are 1057 missing pets in the area.
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When you have a missing pet, it can be difficult to know what to do in the moment.
How do I find my pet? Do I have to visit the pet shelters in my area in person, or is it okay to just call? How can I get the word out to my local community in Plantation?
With our free tools and premium add-on services, PawBoost helps lost pet owners find their furry loved ones – 1,871,581 pets reunited and counting!
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Frequently Asked Questions
I lost my pet. What should I do?
Take advantage of online platforms – they help you get the word out, quickly and easily. You can report your lost pet to PawBoost in no time flat. We’ll send an email alert to our local members, post to the PawBoost-powered Facebook page for your area, add your pet to our lost & found, and make a lost pet flyer – all for free.
Other sites that help you raise local awareness for your lost pet with minimal time and effort are Nextdoor.com – a PawBoost partner – and Craigslist. Both of these sites have very active lost & found sections mainly used for lost pets. We highly recommend you use these resources in addition to PawBoost!
Visit your local shelters and animal control agencies in person. Details can get lost in translation over the phone and that might lead to missed connection.
If chipped, make sure your pet’s microchip is registered and up to date. If you don’t know your pet’s chip manufacturer or number, your vet should be able to help locate this information.
Put up flyers and tell your neighbors to be on the lookout. The more you engage the Plantation community, the better your chances of a happy reunion!
Read our full guide on how to find your lost pet for more actionable tips.
Where do I report a lost pet in Fort Lauderdale, FL?
If you lost a pet, we would like to help. You can report a lost pet to PawBoost for free to help find your pet in the Plantation area. Millions of pet lovers have signed up for our local lost & found pet alerts, and that includes pet lovers near Plantation!
Do I have to pay for premium PawBoost services to find my lost pet?
You don’t have to pay to find your lost pet with PawBoost. PawBoost’s free pet finder services have helped millions of people reunite with their lost pets.
PawBoost does offer premium upgrades to help increase the reach of your lost pet alert.
You can learn more about what free and premium services PawBoost offers here.
What are the PawBoost Posting Guidelines?
• PawBoost does not take part in foster care or custody disputes. If you believe someone has wrongful custody of a pet, PawBoost is not the place to resolve that dispute.
• PawBoost is a platform for LOST and FOUND/STRAY pets ONLY.
• Please do not include personally identifiable information about other individuals in your posting.
• Please do not use profanity.
• Only images of your pet or a pet you found should be submitted. Please do not submit images of anything else.
• Must be 18+ years of age to post on PawBoost
• Please do not post the same pet more than one time.
• Please do not include links to other sites in the post message.

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